My name is Cat, and you may know me as the OriginalNinjaCat, Cat Astrophied, or, as many people I’ve known very well for decades know me which is “Cat.” I have friends I’ve had for over thirty years now who think I have one name, and only one name.

I’m psychic since birth, practicing magic since I was 12-13 years old, and offering services to the public since 2004. I’m the author of Cat’s Rants blog, and I’ve also written a book, Pactum.

My main passion in spellcasting is Hoodoo and Catholic Folk magic. I work with spirits (not just saints,) and I’m proud to have helped many people to start out in magic via my blog. I’m a love spell specialist, and a relationship coach as well.

Working with the public has given me insight and experience I never could have gained if I’d remained a closeted and private practitioner.

I currently live in Maine with three small angry parrots, and am also an artist and author in my spare time.