2/9/23- Well, it looks like a few people are willing to deal with the consequences of the Posting/Sharing clause (check number 12 or 13 on the client agreement which is a contract you are bound by, even if we aren’t working together anymore.) Now I don’t normally enforce that fine. Most of what I receive is well meant, and the few criticisms I get are usually mentally ill persons who tend to remove their own stuff when they recover a bit from the episode which caused the outburst, or are clearly unwell anyhow, so I wouldn’t bother. Neither are technically OK, - that is to say criticism or praise, - but the rule actually came about from wanting to avoid being praised of all things if it is done to an audience I would prefer not to be recommended to.
That being what it is, I know I’ve had several people reach out. This has been an ongoing issue, and I was aware but tried. to ignore the bullying which has gone one for months, but which was - to me who knows my own policies and actions like I do, so clearly false, that it was ridiculous to acknowledge. Apparently there was a reddit dedicated to fomenting hate on me (it wasn’t its original purpose,) and. while I can disprove virtually anything said excluding things I outright tell the public are my policy being criticized (because they are my policies, regardless of how liked they are,) and I have been told by a former participant that they had been offered free spiritual services in trade for posting bad things about me so allegedly someone was bribed and I infer they feel others were as. well,) I’m going to have to say something a little scarier than just a mega fine.
If you are involved in a hate group dedicated to harassing, attempting to discredit, and lying about me, if you are posting libel or slander, you agree in your contract that this gives me full permission as set forth in the TOS to disclose whatsoever you have told me. I don’t use that lightly. I hate using that. Now, clearly a few people got caught up in something they thought was harmless and gave free services or because they never asked my side of the story and they fell victim to a scam because the believed mis truths or felt that someone who never hired me was capable of telling you something about my business because I wouldn’t allow them to do business with me, etc…or maybe you’re just an asshole, and you love being one but you’d not be reading this, if you were. For whatever reason, if you are a past or present client and are involved in any way, I strongly suggest you read up using this link as this was a huge policy violation and I don’t take this lightly. There will be consequences. If you were just swept up in the moment, you can take actions to dissociate yourself.
I do understand mob mentality can sometimes make smart people do stupid things.
If any of you have questions or concerns about the incident and this page here does not cover what you want to know, you may of course contact me and I will reply as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for the astonishing amount of supportive texts and emails. I am truly humbled by the love. You are the reason I continue on in this line of work. I’m disgusted that this went on at all, but to be fair, I’ve received nothing but love and support every time it was reported to me (which has been frequent,) and I guess I should have looked in sooner as I’d thought it was the same ridiculous original anonymous post, nothing like bribes or obvious BS stuff. Thank you so much for alerting me, for supporting me, and for really (the vast majority of you anyhow,) being the best group of people I could have ever been so honored to be allowed to work for.
2/1/23 - Every single bill I have is due on the first of the month, too, so while I understand this isn’t the easiest time of the month for many of us.... In the past month I have basically had several can you pay me a million years in the future requests, and no, you may not. If you can’t afford services, kindly don’t waste my time because it’s bad enough to not be earning enough every time the first of the month comes around, but it’s even worse when I WORKED for all of the time I haven’t been paid to work for because someone wants to pay me next month, next lunar eclipse, or next whenever. I don’t want to make consultations cost money but the reason others charge for them is for the reason some people feel the need to waste a fair amount of time and then want to purchase something way in the future which means “not getting paid” to the person you just got consultation from.
IF YOU ARE IGNORANT OF ANYTHING IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE OR CLIENT AGREEMENT, THAT IS YOUR OWN FAULT. Many of you agreed to my terms and conditions and then act surprised when you violate them and get in trouble with me. Kindly give those pages a look.
1/23/23 - Due to inclement weather there may be a delay in replies due out today. My internet is dodgy at best. Please do not spam me with “where is my reply.”
Kindly read this section, the FAQ, the TOS, and the Client Agreement and Disclaimer if you are unfamiliar with any of them.
Keep in mind my days off are Saturday and Sunday and should not be counted as business days.
1/16/23 - Sorry for any inconvenience it may no doubt cause, but I am off on Tuesday, and have SERIOUSLY LIMITED TIME on Wednesday this week. This has made it so that if you want a reading this week, kindly let me know as soon as possible or else I may not be able to secure a spot for you.
TODAY is a national holiday so I also had limited hours… Because of that I ****MAY**** make one of my days off a business day this week.
I just found out that CashApp is now in the UK so no need for PayPal (not that you couldn’t just use Revolut, ahem.)
And if you ask me for anything free, I won’t even bother replying. :P This day (Martin Luther King Day, in the USA) tends to mark the end of what we refer to as Starvation Season at my home. If you were trying to gouge freebies at any time during starvation season you picked the absolute worst time possible (and that is an understatement) so kindly do not return if you tried freebie abuse during the last ~2 months. No one is entitled to free services.
1/11/23 - Hey everyone, I will be out of the office from about 11:30-3:30 today. I apologize for any inconvenience. Please do not count today as a full business day.
Just a reminder, my email has NOT changed, so if you have OLD BUSINESS kindly use the email and not a contact form. Thank you!
1/5/23 - Hey everyone! So sorry I got pulled into my once a week retail job yesterday. I basically am only there to help take hours from people who can’t work their shift and it’s a super small store so that’s a rare thing for it to happen as is. HOWEVER, that puts me behind on SEVERAL EMAILS. Please let me have most of the day to get back on your inquires.
There are no “free services” available. There never were. Your reading price covers just the amount of time purchased. Your spellcasting covers just that spellcasting, and not future spellcastings. I literally just spent more than most people make in a year living in a hotel for four months due to a housing crisis, and I am now paying that off and have nothing left over to give. If you are acting entitled to anything free from here on out, you’re free to GTFO of my virtual office, because while I do offer do things for free on a case by case basis, you were never entitled to that, - it’s me being nice and generous when it happens. If the entitled behavior continues, no one will get anything for free ever, because it’s out of control at the moment, and as someone who’s finances were so completely beat up this summer and fall, from which I will probably spend the next year recovering from, I don’t really respect someone deciding they get freebies from someone like myself who has nothing free to give.
Thanks for your patience everyone. The first week back when I’ve jumped hosts is always a bit of a pain in the ass.
1/2/23 - Wishing everyone a very happy new year! The site should be fully operational, including all emails BUT
And it’s a big but
I have lost all old emails. :/ If you were waiting on a reply for something, please re-send it to me ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience. You can hit reply on your sent email in your inbox and hit “send” as all my email addresses have remained the same. I merely switched over to a different email service, but as I own, I can always make my emails come from that domain and never have to switch them. :)
12/30/22 -Hey everyone - so since we all hated the old host (I hated them way more than the rest of you, haha,) I’ve moved everything to a whole new flashier hosting service that doesn’t have that dated “what happened to your site, that’s so 1999,” look to it.
My emails are still the same.
I may have lost some old threads but please do not resend anything just yet.