Frequently asked questions
What methods of payment do you accept?
I accept most pay processors, including Venmo, CashApp, Revolut, and Apple Pay. I also accept a few others. Just ask and I may be able to accommodate you.
When will my spellwork be started?
All spells are initiated within 36 hours of payment, unless otherwise indicated by me prior to payment.
Can I get your love spell or should I get your obsession spell?
Without a consultation, -excluding for sour or for sweet jars which do not require it, - you can’t get any spell. Furthermore, I know thousands, if not tens of thousands of love spells, and while people generally do mean love-drawing when they ask for obsession spells, I know many obsession spells as well. There is no singular love spell I use - I several different kinds of love spells, or hex spells, or money spells, etc, and the reason for a consulation is it helps me to figure out which of these might suit your situation the best.
If you repeatedly take up my time to ask “is there a spell for,” and it’s for any need WHICH IS NOT HEALTH RELATED (I do not do health-related spellwork,) I guarantee I probably know several spells to fit the bill and you’re really just wasting your time and mine (and by extension, everyone else I work for’s time,) in so doing, so I will advise you to not do that very quickly.
Do I really need to get a consultation to get spellwork?
For the most part, yes. I suppose if it’s a situation I’ve worked on before for you, it would be a bit redundant to do a whole new consultation, but most of the time, I do need to discuss the problem and plan out an approach to help you.
Can I use the cheapest spellwork possible for my issue? Will it be effective?
For YEARS (and I mean for the vast majority of my time in business,) I did not put single spellcastings on the “menu” of my site because this is unfortunately what people do - they give me a situation requiring a massive ton of spiritual work to make a dent in it, then they want to spend $30 or something equally ridiculous to fix the situation. Keep in mind, situations requiring spiritual work, if we can compare this to a medical situation, range anywhere from having a small splinter of wood lodged in your index finger that you could easily remove yourself to “caught ebola, then got into a gunfight and got shot 13 times, then lastly took a fall off of a 100 storey building right after some gunfight and is somehow even still breathing, at least or the moment,” level of bad. Most people do not contact me for the former, but the people who want a quick cheap fix do appear with the latter more often than the people who would fall between either guidepost.
The reality is the reason I call the 7-day package “the standard” is that it IS the proper amount of work for most people. This is going to cover most standard issues brought to me. So, if you have not talked to your ex in 7 months and you are still not on speaking terms, that would be the correct choice in your case. If you just want to improve communication with you and your partner, on the other hand, then yes, the lesser single spellcasting is more up your alley. If you are probably going to get the promotion, but really want some insurance, go for the single spellcasting. If you and the new manager are not getting along and you worry your job is threatened but there is a position open in another office in the same company under a different manager, you want the standard 7 days.
Feel free to ask me if unsure, but as many of my return clients will tell you, I generally do not oversell myself if at all possible.
I’m LGBTQ - does this change my spellwork at all?
It would be best to know that as some formulas are to attract a specific sex, so if you’re a female with a partner who has a unisex name like “Chris,” and you don’t have an. image of both you ladies, I may wrongly assume Chris is a male, and use the wrong formulas. I don’t mind who you date or who you love, and have always had LGBTQ clients, so that IS NOT a problem at all to do love and relationship work for people who are not cisgender heterosexuals.
Can I really contact you via email whenever I have a question?
Within reason, this is definitely acceptable to contact me when you have concerns or questions, however you must keep in mind that you are one of several clients, and that I do not have time to sit around entertaining you or holding your hand throughout the whole process. If you are always in my inbox or becoming overwhelming I will let you know ONCE, because what I do not tolerate whatsoever is nagging. I realize most people do not understand that I work at least 30 hours if not closer to 40 just replying to email, and I don’t get paid to do that.
So while I don’t mind a few questions and I certainly want you to be comfortable with the process, please realize one high maintenance client takes up the time of 10 regular ones, and if anyone starts taking all my time up and refuses to stop, I may be forced to fire you. I stress that the vast majority of my clients never reach this point. I get perhaps one per year.
Will this give me “bad karma”? Will I get hurt somehow?
Well, seeing as I can’t rightly say what will happen in your next life, or even if reincarnation is true, I would strongly recommend you ask a Buddhist monk or a Hindu about that, but it will not cause you harm in this life.
Can I pay you after I get results?
No. I get paid up front, and you pay me to perform the service and not for the outcome. This is very similar to say, a criminal lawyer, where you pay him or her for his skill and expertise in hopes of the best outcome, but the outcome itself is not guaranteed.
What is your success rate?
Well, define success? Does that mean the spell brought any change? Or does it mean it did everything requested rather than say, 90% of what was requested? And then is this when the client follows my instructions to the letter and doesn’t obsess or engage in lust for results and doesn’t act against the spell in any way whatsoever, or is this regardless of the behavior of the client? Because frankly speaking, in my own work for my own self I tend to be about 100% results. When people follow instructions, I guess it’s the vast majority of the time, though I don’t know a “rate.” I don’t really know a legitimate spellcaster who knows their success rate, and it’s bizarre how often that comes up.
What if I am dissatisfied with the outcome of my spell?
Well if that’s the case, the proper thing to do is to pleasantly and non-defensively tell me. I do want you to be happy with your purchase. I will do my utmost to see to it that you do not leave so displeased in most cases. However, if you tell me off or act rude, or try to steal from me, you won’t get anything good out of it at all.
There are no refunds, and chargebacks land you in a great deal of hot water BUT, I am a very kind and understanding person, and if you really feel cheated or disappointed or upset you need to let me know so I can act accordingly.
Please DO NOT assume that means free spellwork. I have, unfortunately, met up with one too many abusive individuals in my multiple decades casting for the public who, because they were raised to be entitled and troublesome, ruined things for everyone else by assuming one payment covers all future services. Materials cost money, and my time is severely limited and often scheduled well in advance by paying business. While I may from time to time offer some free work, it is not to be expected. I have to pay bills and cover expenses too.
Can I contact you via any other method than email?
I’d rather you didn’t. I tend to lose track of our conversations and my phone already always sounds like it’s about to explode from the beeps and dings it gives off.
Can I have pictures or video of the service?
For starters, I’m never going to have video of me spellcasting. I’ll be far too distracted by being self conscious in front of a camera to be effective. Also, who is recording me while I work? I don’t have others present while I work, and if I do, it is three mischievious parrots who all adore smartphones and who will get in your view and have to be shooed away.
As for pictures, it isn’t my practice to offer them. I’m so old that I remember the first person (at least this was 20 years ago and a much bigger deal then,) who did. She used to laugh that she’d do her “Fake Set” once a week and just put some supplies near each other, and then one by one, she took pictures of her clients’ names or photos by this. In other words, she never took a picture of her actual altar. I know several magicians who, bowing under pressure or just sick of hearing kvetching to provide some image will do the same, mostly because they don’t want you seeing their altar, or are self conscious that it’s not “scary looking enough,” or many other such concerns. The reality is that the vast majority of pictures are faked, a lot of times even when the spell is actually done. So, because I am honest with myself, and know I have a hard enough time with all the myriad other duties I have, I know that if I tried, I’d get maybe 1/5 of my clients an image of their completed spell on my best week. I have weeks where I do not have time to eat even two meals or take a shower that day. Imagine then, adding in another responsibility. I would forget my phone or be cleaning up and realize it was in no way identifiable..and the reality is it often isn’t identifiable when it’s done as is.
If it makes you sad or uncomfortable to not get an image, you may be better suited working with someone who has a mocked up altar and can present you with an image of what you think the spell should look like with your picture next to it, but I am not the one to provide that for you.
I can pay you (next week, next month, next year, at some indefinite but far off time in the future,) ok?
No, that isn’t OK. If you wanted a price check, I have listed the services on the services list. If you want a consultation, it means you’re ready to start and ready to pay. If I am doing a consultation with you, that means that I am making other paying new business wait while I do so. I might miss one of those sales. So if you’re not ready to pay me within about 72 hours of the consultation ending, you have wasted my time and lost me business. That’s obviously not a good thing. Kindly wait to contact me until you are ready to make a purchase to save us both a headache…because your situation will often change enough in the amount of time you need to wait to mandate i need to do another consultation.
I can’t make it to my reading because something came up - is there a cancellation charge?
Unless it’s a habitual problem, I am sure I don’t mind. Please try to tell me as soon as you know you can’t make the reading, but I understand that sometimes unplanned issues arise, and won’t penalize you.
I didn’t get a response to my inquiry?
I may take up to five days to reply, but normally it’s under 12 hours. Check your spam or bulk folder. If it’s not there, please fill it out again. The most common issue in these cases is that the email address sent to me has a typo. If you’re sure I didn’t respond, please try re-sending your inquiry.
How does (certain type of spell/magic) work?
What a dreadfully posed, and commonly a complete waste of my time question this is. Truly. Imagine if I asked you something about the weather, like “how does the sky work?” Since you have no idea what aspect I’m asking you then answer me with a forty page response about how the atmosphere works, all the varying weather conditions, why it may look blue or grey depending on the weather, why it is black at night, how clouds form, just the whole lot, only to realize I was asking you if it would rain or not. This is what this question is.
So, if you are asking how does it work that you hire me, it’s that you tell me the problem, I ask a few questions, then you give me the proper information I need like full names or dates of birth, etc, and payment and then I cast the spell.
And if you’re asking me how a particular spell works, which is a common stalling technique, be sure to ask me specifically what the concern is, not for a long speech about how this particular spell or that one works. Why? I don’t have forty hours a day to describe to you or anyone how a spell works on the target, and dumb down the language as well as describe elementary spellcasting 101 because you’re bored and want me to entertain you. If you had the most elementary knowledge of spellcasting, it might not be so bad, but the amount of times I’ve had to explain love-drawing (to draw up feelings of romantic love, and sexual passion in most cases,) in any given week would tell me most of you do not understand the most basic concepts behind spellcasting, and since I have 50-75 active cases at any given time, I can’t go over every single part of how and why anything does anything without depriving my other customers of my time, so if you have a specific concern about the practice, please ask a specific question. If, on the other hand, you are concerned about a specific problem not being addressed, please direct me to that concern. Do not ask me “how do spells work,” because I can’t find the time to explain how spells, generally speaking, work, as all of them do work differently, though if you have a specific question, I can answer that in about 2 minutes so long as it’s not a vague question. FURTHERMORE, I have this gigantic blog online which is VERY EDUCATIONAL and FREE TO READ if you want to know more about spells and spellcasting.
While I love that you want to learn because that is a smart thing for anyone to want, I do not appreciate repeating myself and writing out three page emails when the question was far more specific than stated, and when I have hundreds of pages of articles for you to read on how spells work free and available to the public. I have helped many people learn to cast their own spells, some of which have gone on to offer professional services, so I know that my blog is very helpful to newbies. Rather than treat me as your own personal spell-knowledge concierge, perhaps try to utilize my blog first.
WTF are you trying to say? This doesn’t make sense.
Unfortunately sometimes when I use my phone to reply to you, autocorrect does anything but correct my typos and even turns the intended word into something other than what I’d written. I think the problem isn’t just my own, so if you are a native English speaker, I presume you also have this issue and can battle through most of these “not corrected autocorrects,” without calling me out on every single one (another common stalling technique,) but I realize some of you are using a translator program, and it may be necessary. If you’re overly zealous in doing this, however, please understand I may ask you to curb the behavior as in 4 out of 5 cases, it’s really not difficult to understand what I’m saying, and the people who do it the most tend to be English speaking persons.
HOWEVER, I also know there was a month where auto correct automatically “corrected” the word “can” to “can’t” (it was beyond ridiculous, and so obnoxious,) so while I don’t mind this question here or there when literally a verb is being made into its negative form or something equally atrocious, please be judicious…because a fair amount of you do this very same thing in your replies to me, and we’d never get anything done if I made you correct every single misspelling or mis-corrected word as if I’d never dealt with the horror of autocorrect until you came into my life. I’m dyslexic and dyscalcic and yet ask this far less than your average person. If I can power through most of it, I know you can too.
But if it really makes absolutely no sense (and sometimes it doesn’t,) please let me know, and know you have my apologies in advance as I don’t really enjoy looking like a cracked out hamster trying to dance on a computer keyboard when I reply.